Comprehensive Diagnostic Testing
Includes Intelligence Testing (Wechsler scales) and a complete Psycho-educational Battery (Woodcock-Johnson and other up-to-date assessment tools), including recommendations. Evaluations include assessment of cognition, non-verbal and verbal reasoning skills, memory, attention / concentration spans, visual and auditory processing, processing speed, language, executive functioning, academic achievement, as well as emotional, personality, social and/or behavioral issues. NSLA also performs Independent School Evaluations required for school placement, special services in school, Section 504 as well as SAT testing accommodations.
Psycho educational Therapy
Psychoeducational Therapy is a one-on-one, client-centered, cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, family system approach. Therapy includes assessment through testing, interviewing, and a complete social, physical, and emotional history. Psychoeducational Therapy involves the understanding of specific problems, relative to cause, systems, and the impact on daily life. This process involves creating and maintaining a relationship to foster independence. Through the creation of awareness in mindfulness, the ability to observe one’s own inner experiences, as well as one’s social, emotional, vocational and academic experiences, we can create desired change. The changing of one’s habits through neuroplasticity and cognitive behavioral skills and strategies are also the goals of Psychoeducational Therapy.
Have you been told your child is not reaching potential, has inconsistent work habits or grades, does well in some subjects, but not in others, is unmotivated, lacks focus or investment, struggles with reading, writing, math, or problem-solving, or may have been given a specific diagnosis of LD, ADHD, Developmentally Delayed, or is taking medication? Do you think your child is forgetful, underachieving, disorganized, has poor social skills, test-taking anxiety, difficulty paying attention, or does not know how to learn, study and manage his/her time effectively? Drs. Boll and Bossis have expertise in left/right brain theory, neuroplasticity, mindfulness, executive functioning, information processing and learning styles. They teach simple teaching skills for school success: organizational systems, tools and supplies, time management and ways to improve reading, note-taking, studying, test-taking, memory and concentration. Through remediation, enrichment and compensatory strategies, Drs Boll and Bossis will help students get the results they want.
These techniques that will help students get the results they want.
Life management consultations provide strategies in planning, time management, organizational skills, self-advocacy, coping with co-occuring issues and goal setting. Parental consultations provide strategies in child management, behavior, social skills, as well as parenting and family relationships. Educational consultations are offered to increase academic challenges, to address IDEA and Section 504 services, transitional issues to middle / high school and college, as well as to provide assistance in career counseling and in the private school or college selection and application process, including preparing for interviews, SATs, ACTs and SSATs.
Expertise In Development and Learning
- LD, ADHD, Learning Styles, Developmental Delays and other conditions impacting learning
- Executive Functions, Self -Regulation, and Meta-Cognitive Thinking Strategies
- Dyslexia, Reading Comprehension and Learning from Text
Problem Solving
Note Taking, Memory, Test taking, Concentration, research, Reference Skills
Visual/Auditory - Verbal/Nonverbal
Oral Communication, Listening, Written Language Skills
- Right and Left Brain Functioning
- Accommodations and Modifications
Expertise in Behavior and Social Emotional Development
- Self -Awareness and Self-Concept
- Social Skills, Dating and Peer Acceptance
- Frustration Tolerance in relation to school performance
- Acting-Out, Negativistic and/or Oppositional Behaviors
- Hyperactivity and/or Distractibility
- Inattention and/or Impulsivity
- Motivation and/or Investment
- Marital Conflict and Children of Divorce